Saturday, November 27, 2010


Yeayyy! hip hip ho0ray. The final exams finally 0ver. Night after night we struggle(did i struggle??) & sleep f0r just few h0urs. I d0nt kn0w if I had d0ne my very best. I d0nt kn0w man. I maybe screw up 0r success with flying colors. I wish I could pass all the subjects cuz repeating is never on my list. Just leave it t0 G0d & pray. 2 tumbs up if I pass the statistics subject cuz it was damn to0 hard f0r me. 0kay lets f0rget all the exams & stuff. We had lip-smacking experience in Garden Restaurant. ooolaalaahh.......

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It's been 2 m0nths since we last met(did I say long lost friend?). haha. well,we all meet up & talk & laugh & smile & eat & make the day brighter even it's raining. :)


It's actually long ag0 but eventually I decided t0 upl0ad the pics & p0st this entry. S0rry guys f0r a very dull & plain birthday celebrati0n (yeahh,ur birthdays are 0n final examinati0n week babies).


It's always Secret Recipe. shhhh!

Blowing the candles. The fastest will be the first t0 turn 21. :)

Mama. She always g0t 0ur backs.

These 2 people never missed t0 snap their pics in every p0ssible way. (syahira & kak fara) :)

my backb0nes My BB the B0T0X

That's all f0r n0w.



breakfast : Kedah
lunch : Penang
dinner : Perak
breakfast : Selang0r

isn't it adventure en0ugh?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Cha, U are s0 right my friend. Life is really like a wheel. Sometimes we're up,s0metimes we're d0wn,s0metimes we're happy,s0metimes we're n0t. It's n0t always rainb0ws. But clouds teach us t0 fight against 0ur fear,teach us t0 be str0nger than we ever th0ught. That's the g00d sight 0f it. People say,what d0esnt kill U makes U str0nger. Yeahh b****. U can't kill us. There's time f0r a punishment 0r maybe PUNISHMENTS. Then u'll kn0w, u & ur entire family are being cursed. Remember,the judgment day WILL happen cuz Im extremely pissed 0ff! I repeat,IM PISSED 0FF man. U messed with me 0nce,d0nt d0 it twice cuz u'll regret. But,I wish u will change & G0D gives u time t0 change. Think bout it.


If only I could turn back time.

Friday, November 12, 2010


If you ever loved somebody put your hands up.


They taste g00d! wohoooooo.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I feel like everything seems t0 g0 away. I can even feel the distance. It may n0t be the same again. I realize that everything is just a dream. Just a dream! I want t0 change everything but the p0wer is n0t in my hands. I've tried s0 many times t0 fix it,again I fail. Hate that. I want that relati0nship t0 turn 0ut like R0ry & Lorelai Gilm0re. The m0re I try,the further I get. Huhh. Better n0t. It hurts. I wish s0me0ne could fix my w0unds that hv last f0r s0 many years. Why d0nt u give it a try?? Perhaps U've tried but i didnt n0tice. Sometimes,n0t s0metimes. It is actually m0st of the times i envy my friends. They get so close with their 'LOVED ONES' but Im n0t. People can only see the rainb0ws,but what ab0ut the clouds? They d0nt kn0w what is happening inside in a so called home sweet h0me. It would be good if I hv a biological sister. I must've appreciate that. But it's OKAY. Im used to it. Being on my 0wn is my full time j0b.


U SLAM ONCE ! I BANG TWICE!! plus with a M16. U really challenge me. Let see wh0 wins this battle.


highway t0 hell

I'll get easily super mad when it c0mes t0 driving. I bet every0ne would feel the same way to0. D0n't you??

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Never say n0. =D

0hh f00ds! U are to0 g00d t0 say n0. Please f0rgive me b0dy,U are t0o hard t0 be shaped.

Ahha. =D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


U appear as invisible t0 me. TQ f0r that!

Daddy cool!

Since Ma went t0 JB f0r a meeting ,I only dine with Abah. Shawarma is my meal f0r t0nite. N0 rice 0r any fast f00d. Please. En0ugh! Ma is away f0r 1 week. Im g0nna miss her even we 0ften argue f0r every single thing. That's what we call family b0nd.

Monday, October 18, 2010


8,210,373 = male available in Malaysia.

* yet,still stay single f0r long. haha.

Every0ne leaves with0ut f00t prints. No external c0nnecti0n afterwards. Am i b0rn t0 just walk in the lonely path? Very dim, quiet,n0 c0mpany. It turned black. H0w I wish that wasn't me. I want t0 be n0ticed as ur friend,the 0ne that 0nce lived with u,laughed with u,cried with u. But,just dream 0f it! I fight with my eager t0 have people ar0und me as many as I can. As I g0 thr0ugh,I realize. Im n0t that legendary. N0t many creatures will remember the g00d & the bad 0f me. I can only leave my Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid,n0t mem0ries.


Sometimes i question myself, 'Why the beauty bec0mes the no.1 issue?? Is beauty is what every0ne seeks?? When can I feel that beauty??' I get c0nfused whenever i juggle with the term 'BEAUTY'. Ish.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hush Hush

I stand,
I mute,
I observe,
I think,
I judge,
Keep silent.

That's what I always d0. =D

Friday, September 10, 2010

1st Eid Mubarak.

7.25 : attacked by bees. freaked 0ut.
7.25 30 : bitten by a bad bee. TQ bee! (g00d sp0t huhh?! yeah my beautiful butt).

Less0n : d0nt turn 0n the lights 0r else u'll get free love bites pals!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Grin t0 Ears

Yes! thank you abah f0r fulfilling my requests. the Elle jeans & Nicole shirt are finally mine. hee

Less ice! m0re spice!

yeahh,the title d0esn't make sense t0 me. I d0n't kn0w. I write acc0rding t0 the speed 0f my fingers. I d0 whatever I eager t0. s0 long I ign0red this blog,it's n0t bc0z I d0nt hv anything t0 share but I was s00 n0t that diligent like 0ther bloggers. what energize me t0 write again?? my friends! they are bloggers to0. see! I easily get influenced. haha. just this part,n0t all. well,raya is c0ming and t0day is the last day f0r fasting. t0 be true, raya d0esn't excite me much. but the f00ds,I cant lie. n0 w0nder why I cant get thinner. Cant wait f0r rendang,nasi impit,kuah kacang,lemang etc. haa,mesti mau!