Thursday, September 22, 2011

*The Blind Side*

It's 2 a.m. in the morning & Syaz is already on bed,covered up by blanket from head to toe (jealous much) while I'm still awake,trying hard to finish up the journal plus the bla bla bla thingy for The Blind Side movie. We were asked to do an assignment by watching The Blind Side with group mates. Isn't it fun?? Your assignment is actually to watch a movie! :)

Ohh btw, have you watched this movie?? If you don't, then it's your loss. HAHA. They have won many awards peeps!! Perhaps cuz Sandra Bullock starred in this movie. Errr. Nvm.

You can get my assurance that it's a must watch movie. *pfftt*. To be honest, I'm not so into this movie (how many times did I have mentioned "this movie"? Can you count?? ). From the beginning til the end,I'm still waiting for the climax or should I say 'the memorable part'.

Waiting and waiting and waiting. Tadaaa!! None. There's no part that give me a deep impact or at least, a welling rheum. Urghhh. Not like what we expected. However, there are loads of values and lessons that able to motivate us as the students to thrive just like Michael Oher.

Who is Michael Oher????? Download (a legal one) & watch! No regrets. :)

p/s : continuing watching The Blind Side.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Hey h0! (I guess I never say Hi whenever I start writing the entry). Okayy,Hye :)

This is not an updated blog cuz Im so nottttt notttt diligent to write. Oh fingers licking good,can you please dont stop typing?? Please!! You're gonna write a journal every week. I mean EVERY WEEK! *sigh*

Yah,I've authorized to write a journal regarding international issue. No clue what would be the issue. While wondering,I can feel myself floating to the moon & back to the earth with still a blank answer. hmmm.

It's there. It's there & suddenly..... gone! haishh. *ting* browsing through 1 of the pics of my classmate. *tskk tskk tskk*. crying over an awes0me couple. Why Im still singleeeeeeee??? 0hh,forgot. Im NOT that pretty!No rush kan Jastina *huhh* Im happy for my friends who have found their Mr.Right. Untung laa. In romance but studies still their top priority. *salute* :)

Listening to my Experia X10 mini, I FEEL GOOD. But but,arghhhhhhh! What Im gonna write huh? Im thinking 0f Journalists' Safety. U know,recently there's a Malaysian journalist died in Somalia. It's a hot issue for the past few weeks. RIP Allahyarham Noramfaizul Mohd Nor. Is this issue cool? It's a free writing,so Im gonna write & engrave what I feel like doing. FULLSTOP.

Okayy,I'll have to squeeze my brain for a fantastic yet dandy ideas. Anyone?? pfftt. :p